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Rod breakdown line platform

Metallurgic . Rod Breakdown

Rod breakdown line platform

Our Rod Breakdown lines for copper, aluminum and alloys are designed to ensure reliable production, energy saving and maximum flexibility ensuring high wire quality minimizing wire scraps and breakages.

rod breakdown line platform-introduction
Products-Rod Breakdown line platform

Our expertise for your needs

  • Wide range of rod breakdowns
  • Multimotor technology with slip control
  • User friendly design for an easy wire string-up
  • Tandem and compact design available
  • AC motor drives with high efficiency gearboxes
  • Low preventive maintenance
  • L -> R and R -> L line direction

Wide machine range for all needs

All our machines are designed and manufactured to satisfy the wire and cable industry requirements.

Rod Breakdown R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
Max capstan Ø [mm] 450 400 450 650 1000
Max inlet Ø Cu Al/Alloys Cu Al/Alloys Cu/Alloys Al/Alloys Cu/Alloys Al/Alloys Cu/Alloys Al/Alloys
[mm] 8 9,5 8 9,5 8 9,5 12,5 14 24 24
Outlet Ø range [mm] 0,8 - 5,0 1,2 - 5,0 0,9 - 3,6 1,2 - 4,5 0,8 - 5,5 1,2 - 5,5 1,8 - 7,0 1,8 - 7,0 5,5 - 14,5 3 - 15
Nr of wires [mm] 1 - 2 1 1 - 2 1 - 2 1
Nr. of drafts 9 - 15 9 - 15 7 - 15 6 - 11 5
Max speed [m/s] 36 32 40 36 10

Rod Breakdown with high performance in a compact design with reduced footprint

  • Available single and double wire
  • Multimotor technology with slip control
  • AC motor drives with high efficiency gearboxes
  • Partially submerged process with unique individual drawing ring lubrication
  • L -> R and R -> L line direction

Basic Rod Breakdown solution with tandem configuration

Heavy duty Rod Breakdown for mass production

Heavy duty Rod Breakdown for large rod diameter

No-slip multimotor Rod Breakdown

Rod Breakdown for Enamelling plant
